Sweater weather does it better
Why fall and winter are the best times of the year. If you were to ask most people what their favor ite season is many would answer summer. Most of the reasoning behind their answers are because it is hot outside and for students, it is summer break. But, I think Fall and Winter are the best seasons because they consist of the best holidays , the environment of the season s is cozy and fun , an d it is a time of year with co mfortable clothing. Many celebrations or holidays are in the last four months of the year, including Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Although depending on your religion it wil l determi ne if you celebrate these holidays or not , these months are not excluded to American or Christian holidays. M any other cultures and religions have celebrations during thi s time of the year also . A Picture I took of a bright Christmas tree in Downtown Cedar Rapids, 2023 With h olidays come family and friend gathering s....