Vibrant Coffeehouse & Kitchen review

Coffee is one of my favorite drinks. Most people indulge in coffee after the sun rises for breakfast or simply drink it to give themselves energy, but I love it so much I will drink it at any time of the day . During my Thanksgiving break I went back home to Des Moines, Iowa and while I was there, I had the opportunity to try a new coffee place in the East Village called Vibrant Coffe ehouse & Kitchen . Me & my friends catching a quick pic for memories. Vibrant Coffee house & Kitchen is a restaurant that serves coffee, breakfast foods, salads, energy drinks and fresh baked goods. The things that I tried while I was there were the peppermint mocha iced latte and the rise & grind sandwich with a side of fruit. My meal 10 seconds before I devoured it. It was delicious . Though it was pricey , it w as worth it because it wa s pretty go od , and I enjoyed the vibe of the restaurant. Peppermint is one of my favorite coffee flavors which is why I love t...